Dailymotion.com: The Next YouTube?

Though YouTube has become almost synonymous with all things online video-related, there seems to be a number of video-sharing sites that see a window of opportunity. After all, with the growing utilization of online ads surrounding or embedded into the videos, every point of market share will amount to some significant dollars.

To those completely immersed in the world of YouTube it may come as a surprise that there are a number of other video-sharing sites on the Web that have a hold of some sizable traffic. A recent report released by comScore Video Metrix analyzed six "second tier" video-sharing sites not named YouTube, and it appears that they all seem to have made their (overshadowed) footprints on the Web. None of the sites made comScore’s list of the top 10 video properties in the U.S. in April.

Dailymotion.com leads the way in terms of unique video streamers in April with more than 4.7 million streamers for the month. These viewers initiated 49.3 video streams and spent 59.7 minutes watching video content on the site during April.

Metacafe.com was second with more than 3.7 million unique video streamers in April. These viewers initiated 33.2 million streams in April and spent 15.1 minutes watching the site’s video content during the month.

Break.com garnered more than 3.1 million streamers in April. These viewers initiated 32.2 million video streams and spent 16.8 minutes viewing video content on the site for the month.

Heavy Networks attracted 2.6 million streamers in April. These viewers initiated 6.0 million video streams and spent 3.2 minutes watching the site’s video content for the month.

Revver.com showed video content to 2.6 million unique video streamers in April. These streamers initiated 8.7 million streams and spent 5.4 minutes viewing video content on the site during the month.

Veoh.com garnered 1.8 million unique streamers. These viewers initiated 14.6 million streams and spent 104.2 minutes viewing the site’s video content during April.

Veoh.com streamers and, to a certain extent, Dailymotion.com streamers spend significantly more time watching video content because of the full-length videos available on their sites.

"While it will clearly be very difficult for any video site to replicate what YouTube has accomplished, Dailymotion.com is stating the strongest case at the moment, both domestically and internationally," said Erin Hunter, executive vice president of media and entertainment solutions at comScore.

Hunter added that "The challenge for these video-sharing sites, which rely quite a bit on user-generated content, is monetizing content over which advertisers have little control. That these sites generate such a large share of activity from younger visitors, however, is probably very compelling to advertisers."

In terms of demographics, Break.com seems to have the strongest allure for the attractive 18-34 year-old market. Forty-one percent of its audience is made up of this 18-34 segment. This compares to 37% of Dailymotion.com’s audience, and Veoh’s 37%. Heavy Networks attracted the highest percentage of young viewers between 2-17 (18%), while Revver attracted the highest percentage of viewers 55 and older (16%).

