Coca-Cola’s new green-tea product, Enviga, marketed as a great tasting beverage that will burn calories, is set to begin a very active consumer sampling program in the New York metro and Philadelphia areas.
Enviga’s regional launch kicks off Nov. 6. Out of home and print ads will reinforce the claim that the beverage can burn calories. P-O-P materials also support, as does a dedicated Web site,
A p.r. push has generated “significant success” in gaining attention for the brand, Coca-Cola spokesperson Ray Crockett said. Sampling will take place in-store and at major venues and events around the area.
Enviga is a joint venture with Nestlé SA. The beverage contains caffeine, calcium and a green tea extract that Coke says speeds metabolism and could burn 106 calories with three 12-ounce servings in a study of healthy 18- to 34-year-olds.
Critics have suggested that there is no proof that the beverage would help people burn calories.
Marion Nestle, a nutrition professor at New York University (and who has no relation to the company partnering with Coca-Cola), was quoted by Reuters as saying, “The idea that this drink will help people lose weight is just ridiculous. It is an example of the lengths to which companies will go to sell products.”
Crockett countered by saying that Coca-Cola can substantiate the calorie-burning efficacy of Enviga.