Grove Park Spa gives Away 96 rooms in 90 Minutes via Twitter
To celebrate its 96th year in operation, the Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa opted to do something most 96-year-olds don’t usually do: get onto Twitter
Five Must Ask Twitter Questions
Little doubt remains about Twitter’’s potential as a marketing tool, but a great debate exists about how, when and for what purposes Twitter should be incorporated into the marketing mix
Church’s Chicken Links Cash Giveaway to Twitter
With the official launch of its brand on the Twitter microblogging service, Church’s Chicken has announced the addition of a community-benefit element to its newly beefed-up interactive marketing efforts
To Tweet or Not to Tweet? How Twitter Can Further Your Brand
Here’s a few recent anecdotes to help demonstrate how companies need to think about Twitter and its impact on their brands
Twitter Gets Real for B-to-B Marketing
Count IBM as one marketer that has found a way to make Twitter work as a CRM tool in a business-to-business context. Big Blue has set up Twitter communities
Building a Following on Twitter
Web sites have users, Facebook has friends, and Twitter has followers. They follow your messages—and in the process, they follow your life.
U.S. Twitter Users Young, Poor and Growing: Pew Report
The U.S. population using Twitter and other microblogging services is younger, more urban and more racially diverse than America as a whole. But they’re not typically the same young-young demographic that dominate the use of many social networks, according to new findings from the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Social Capital: Social Media, The Science of Influence, and How to Blow it on Twitter
Sure, you can use social media to ask your friends or followers to complete a specific call to action. But will they follow your command? Here’s why triggers can and will only go so far within the circle of social media
Beverage Brands Make Friends by Learning to LIAISE
While many brands are keen to make “friends” via social networks, few are willing to take the time to learn this new channel and treat it with the requisite finesse. Here’s what brands need to do to make to most of their social experience.
Office Max: Lord of the Elf Dance Once Again
If the Web has spawned a holiday tradition, it may be the arrival of the annual “Elf Yourself’ mashup from business retailer Office Max.