

  • Yes, Social Coupons Do Drive New Business: ForeSee Study

    Since their inception, social coupons such as those promoted by Groupon and LivingSocial have been dogged by the reputation that they don’t work very well to create new, loyal customers.

    But a new study suggests that social coupons—now morphed into `Daily Deals`–may be in fact be very effective at attracting new business. After that, building the loyalty is up to the merchant

  • Facebook Helps Beacon Hotel Book Email Sign-Ups

    Miami’s Beacon Hotel is using Facebook to encourage fans and previous guests to sign-up for its email list and take advantage of promotions for future visits.

  • NASCAR Makes a Pit Stop at Car Town

    NASCAR’s first social gaming experience makes another good case study of how to introduce an online game, ensure that game play spreads virally across social media and builds loyalty and repeat visits by rewarding players.

  • How to Get People Talking about Your Brand

    Talkable brands do not rely on expensive traditional advertising to drive sales. Instead, they tap into the inexpensive conversational power of customers as their primary advertising vehicle

  • Giveaways are Mainstays for Banana Boat Promo

    The Banana Boat brand is using branded giveaways as reminders this summer, not only to protect your skin from the sun, but that the best way to do that would be by slathering Banana Boat sun screen up and down your body. The promotion, “101 Days of Summer,” appears on the Banana Boat Facebook page and will give away, you guessed it, 101 daily prizes.

  • McDonald’s Wins Twitter Followers with “McWinning”

    McDonald’s director of social media Rick Wion said he took a chance that something fun and timely on Twitter like “mcwinning” would get tweeters to lay off the McLobster

  • Chicken of the Sea Uses Social Mermaid to Revitalize the Brand

    The effort involves online video, twitter, Facebook and even a branded casual game.

  • Don’t Give Up Your Customer Relationships to Go Social

    It’s very curious that Fortune 500 brands close their commercials with a social call to action, rather than mentioning their own company site. Sending prospects to Facebook or Twitter rather than their own site is a huge missed opportunity—and a sign that many companies still have a lot to learn about social media.

  • What to Consider When Creating B-to-B Lead Evaluation Models

    Modeling business-to-business data can be tricky business. There are considerations consumer marketers don’t have to worry about, such as how a given industry indicates propensity to purchase, or the impact of multiple decision makers within an organization.

    Chief Marketer spoke with Matt Fulk, senior manager of database marketing at SAS, about the challenges of creating B-to-B prospect lead analysis models.

  • Nescafé’s Path from Soft Launch to Walmart to Facebook

    It was 2008 when Nescafé launched the coffee system, Dolce Gusto, amid a competitive category of already established single-serve coffee makers. After monitoring early sales in specialty retail stores sales looked good and a full roll out took place. With all marketing and selling systems in place, it was time to open a Facebook page.