

  • Finding the Comfort Zone

    Brands at the Bazaarvoice social commerce summit in Austin this spring spoke of using online customer reviews in myriad ways, but they all agreed on one thing

  • 7-Eleven Zynga Promotion

    In 2010, 7-Eleven needed to drive trial for 27 languishing private label products from fresh fruit to hot foods. Convenience stores were known for quick-sell items. Just 8% of consumers thought of c-stores for meals. In addition, the recession had pushed convenience store sales down 20%

  • What Social Network Matters for Your Brand

    We all realize the importance of social networking in marketing, but what sites should your brand use?

    According to the S-Net (The Impact of Social Media) study, LinkedIn now boasts the title of “most important social network.” This survey by ROI Research, Inc., sponsored by Performics, surveyed 2,997 active social networkers to discover that 59% consider having a LinkedIn account to be the most important. Fifty percent of respondents visit the site weekly, while 20% visit it daily. So your company should get onboard with LinkedIn, right?

  • Enewsletters Help Lifetime Build Mom Site Audience

    A+E Networks is using weekly email newsletters to help support the recently relaunched Lifetime Moms website.

  • B-to-B Data, Automation Benefits Available For Marketers Willing To Do Legwork

    Bernice Grossman has a message for business-to-business marketers starting to explore the mobile and social media channels: Slow down, and review some fundamental data opportunities which are largely being overlooked.

  • Specialized Bicycles Rides Social, Email to Improved Customer Service

    A social media presence heavily focused on customer service has helped Specialized Bicycles reduce support costs and connect with cyclists around the world.

  • Yes, Social Coupons Do Drive New Business: ForeSee Study

    Since their inception, social coupons such as those promoted by Groupon and LivingSocial have been dogged by the reputation that they don’t work very well to create new, loyal customers.

    But a new study suggests that social coupons—now morphed into `Daily Deals`–may be in fact be very effective at attracting new business. After that, building the loyalty is up to the merchant

  • Facebook Helps Beacon Hotel Book Email Sign-Ups

    Miami’s Beacon Hotel is using Facebook to encourage fans and previous guests to sign-up for its email list and take advantage of promotions for future visits.

  • NASCAR Makes a Pit Stop at Car Town

    NASCAR’s first social gaming experience makes another good case study of how to introduce an online game, ensure that game play spreads virally across social media and builds loyalty and repeat visits by rewarding players.

  • How to Get People Talking about Your Brand

    Talkable brands do not rely on expensive traditional advertising to drive sales. Instead, they tap into the inexpensive conversational power of customers as their primary advertising vehicle