

  • Six E-mail pointers to Lift Results

    Right now is THE best time to step up your e-mail testing. Why? Because many of your competitors are pulling back – both on their marketing budgets in aggregate and on testing specifically. You can gain the advantage and determine what’s working and what is not post haste today because your competition has likely buried their test plans and are afraid to spend.

    Yes, testing takes an investment in time and resources, often including additional funds. However, the outcome is often worth the risk, especially now.

  • ExactTarget Debuts ‘List Growth Advisor’

    E-mail service provider ExactTarget unveiled a List Growth Advisor tool today that automatically offers personalized recommendations on how to grow an e-mail list after users answer a series of questions.

  • Social-Media Links Get Half-Percent Clicks: Silverpop

    Social-media-share links generate on average 0.5% click rates according to a just released study by e-mail service provider Silverpop.

    And while social-media-share links

  • Stupid ESP Watch: The Big Lie

    I received a cold-call voicemail yesterday from a representative of an e-mail service provider looking to do a barter deal.

    Never mind I’m not the person to approach for barter deals—or any other type of non-editorial issue, for that matter—the sales rep made one statement that made me cringe.

    “Our delivery rates are very high,” she said.

    That statement has no place in a pitch from an e-mail service provider.

  • New EmailAppenders-Related Firm Surfaces

    Yet another e-mail list-sales firm has surfaced that appears to be related to EmailAppenders, an India-based company that evidence suggests has no physical presence in the U.S. and has been accused by multiple marketers of ripping them off.

  • ExactTarget Enters Europe

    E-mail marketing software-on-demand provider ExactTarget announced today it has launched an international division in London following the acquisition of U.K.-based Keymail Marketing.

  • Return Path Announces Tucows Feedback Loop

    E-mail deliverability firm Return Path announced today it is launching a feedback loop for domain registrar Tucows.

  • Stupid Creative Watch: Black-Card Pitch Misses Mark

    Whenever I receive an unusual direct-mail prospecting piece, I invariably wonder what list I must be on in order to have been selected by the marketer as a target.

    For example, a credit-card pitch arrived recently indicating someone thinks I

  • Individual Mailbox-Tracking Tool Unveiled

    In what is claimed to be a first for the industry, e-mail deliverability consultancy Pivotal Veracity is expected to announce today it has developed technology that allows marketers to track how and on what devices individual subscribers open, sort and interact with their messages.

    Dubbed MailboxIQ, the technology has been in development for a year and has been in beta with clients such as American Express, Apple, Oracle, Progressive and Nestle, according to Pivotal Veracity.

  • Jordan Cohen Joins Pivotal Veracity

    E-mail industry veteran Jordan Cohen has signed with Pivotal Veracity as the deliverability consultancy