

  • Short Cuts

    The Federal Trade Commission will host a Spam Summit July 11 and 12 at its conference center in Washington DC, for discussion and analysis of spam strategies and countermeasures to stop spam.

  • DMA Will Partner with E-mail Council: Report

    The Direct Marketing Association will announce today that it will assume legal ownership of the E-mail Experience Council, a global trade organization that devises best practices for e-mail and online marketing, according to a report in ClickZ Sunday.

  • CheetahMail Names Steve Lomax European Managing Director

    CheetahMail, an e-mail marketing unit of Experian, has named Steve Lomax European managing director. Lomax had previously been managing director of ClarityBlue, another Experian company.

  • Omega’s Lawyers: We May Sue Mumma Again

    On the heels of winning a $330,000 decision in a highly publicized defamation suit against anti-spammer Mark Mumma, vacation marketer Omega Worldwide Travel’s lawyers said they are seriously considering suing the self-proclaimed tireless litigator again.

  • Stupid Media Watch: In Linux Land, if You Don’t Know, Make it Up

    Why do the tech guys so often have to be so marketing illiterate? Is it too much for them to understand that online advertising is: a) good for the economy, and b) usually not an evil exercise in mind control?

    The Linux Journal—the self proclaimed original monthly magazine of the Linux community since 1994—ran a jaw-droppingly confused piece last week by tech writer Tom Adelstein in an apparent effort to educate readers about the terrible evils of e-mail marketing.

  • Stupid Anti-Spammer Watch: Them’s Fightin’ Words

    OK, now they’ve gone too far.

    One of the evil little pinheads at frothing-at-the-mouth anti-spam discussion group Nanae has finally insulted me more than I can tolerate. I simply can’t sit still and let this injustice go without a response.

  • J.L. Halsey Seeks Name Change

    Marketing services company J.L. Halsey last week said that it will seek stockholder approval to change its name to Lyris Solutions, Inc., at the company

  • The Latest Scoop

    Talk about your dual personalities. Ben & Jerry’s is a super-premium-quality product with an offbeat, fun, irreverent brand. The two concepts don’t always

  • E-mail’s Image Problem

    Developments surrounding blocked e-mail images and links have been causing a great deal of consternation among marketers lately. However, experts say the growing trend is nothing to get confused or worked up about.

  • Three Ways to Rate E-mailers

    Internet service providers use three main metrics to gauge a sender’s reputation and determine how to process incoming e-mail.