

  • Online DM Spending Up, Offline Down: Survey

    Marketers intent on following the money need look no further than their computer screens. According to a new survey from marketing service and software provider Alterian, 45% of DMers spent at least $500,000 in 2007 for online efforts, compared with just over one-third in 2006.

  • AOL Acquires Ad Serving Network

    AOL has acquired, an online advertising network service provider. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

  • Correction

    An item about ReachLocal (Direct Newsline, Jan. 31) contained some misstatements. The Woodland Hills, CA-based agency offers technology that small businesses can use to reach consumers who are searching the Internet for products and services in their local areas.

  • Stupid Catalog Watch: You Don’t Have a What?

    So guess what Make Life Easier doesn

  • Medical Association Plans Lead Generation Campaign

    The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) has retained the interactive marketing agency 90octane to develop a lead generation campaign.

  • E-Buyers Use Multiple Web Portals: Jupiter

    Companies most likely to succeed at online retailing are those that make the best use of affiliate networks, search engine marketing, lead generation and ad networks, according to a survey from JupiterResearch.

  • Reach Local Opens Office in Florida

    The digital advertising agency Reach Local Inc. has opened offices in Tampa, FL, offering search engine marketing and other Internet media services in the Sunshine State.

  • They’re Nuts

    If your favorite television show got canceled, what would you do? See what else was on? Write a letter of protest? Fans of CBS’ went nuts. Or rather,

  • Engaging Consumers

    In the past, most direct marketers followed the axiom Keep it simple, stupid. These days progressive DMers offer consumers a breathtaking array of options

  • Power to the People

    In 1998 the dot-com boom was coming on fast, and it seemed the Web would provide marketers with unimaginable precision, power and reach. But 10 years