

  • An Appropriate Gesture

    TO LIST PROFESSIONAL Rosalie Bulach, the newly designed first class stamp issued to raise money for breast cancer research held hope for two causes-the

  • B-to-B Catalogs’ Online Customer Service Disappoints

    Business-to-business catalogers have failed to integrate their fulfillment and customer service operations with their online marketing efforts.That’s

  • The Issue of Imagery

    IN “On Moral Fiction,” author John Gardner claimed that there were two ways to establish your creativity: You could do something better-give it a twist

  • The New Select

    ARE YOU WONDERING why that top-performing list you rented in 1997 just didn’t cut the mustard this year?One answer: Take a closer peek at where those

  • Wallace, Wright Together at Last

    PERSONALITIES AS DIVERSE as spam king Sanford Wallace and architect Frank Lloyd Wright highlight this month’s roundup of DM coverage in the mainstream

  • Directnewsline

    Reader’s Digest Plans Global Change THE READER’S DIGEST Association, Pleasantville, NY, is planning a global reorganization aimed at revitalizing the

  • Sound & Vision

    BOSTON ACOUSTICS INC., Peabody, MA, makes high-end speakers for car and home. With the rise of the PC, it hit upon a new market: computer speakers. But

  • Two Seattle Utilities Get Bright Idea

    WHILE MARKETERS gathered in Seattle for the National Center for Database Marketing conference and listened to theory and case studies, two of the state’s

  • Telecom Tune-up

    BELL ATLANTIC is rolling out a business-to-business retention program in New England that had its origins in New York in 1995. The telecommunications

  • Tracking May Avoid Customer Defection

    IT’S POSSIBLE FOR a company to show increases in both revenue and its customer base and still have a poor retention program.That’s the opinion of Carla