

  • California Toughens Spam Laws

    TWO RECENT PIECES of legislation in California may crack down on unsolicited electronic mailings in that state.The first, AB 1676, has been signed into

  • Top-Flight Effort

    HERE’S A RELATIONSHIP-building move a first-timer probably wouldn’t think of.On a friend’s recent trip to England, Virgin Atlantic Airways flight attendants

  • DB Suits Clothiers

    CONNECTICUT-BASED upscale men’s clothing retailer Richard’s of Greenwich has seen sales increase 20% annually since 1995, when it adopted the database

  • Brewing Brand

    WHEN GEVALIA KAFFE became more famous for its coffeemaker premium than for its gourmet coffee, the company knew it was time for a change.After percolating

  • CBS Casts Eye On Promotion

    Promotion agencies owned by CBS Radio, including New York-based WINS Promotion Group, are changing to a single name as the CBS division positions its

  • An Embarrassment of Riches

    CHECKS. CHECKS. CHECKS.I’m looking at $223,367 worth of checks sent to me over the past few weeks. The biggest one is for $80,000. The smallest (piker!)


    TAKE A LOOK around. No matter what mainstream fashion magazines say, every woman is not built like wafer-thin model Kate Moss.This fact isn’t lost on


    “BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU wish for.” For business-to-business marketers, this old adage has never been more true.B-to-Bers have abundant sales and marketing

  • Electronics Engineers

    ELECTRONICS engineers who work in Boston or San Jose, CA receive the highest salaries for their category in the nation, according to a 1997 survey by


    There aren’t many frequent flyer programs in which the top redemption option is to stay on a Caribbean island belonging to the man who owns the airline.