Canadian DMers Do Good, Eh?

SIX CANADIAN direct marketing firms began an industrywide initiative last month to help the Canadian Red Cross reunite families torn apart by the Balkan war.

“As many of us are in the database marketing business, we felt the tracing and reunion service was a particularly relevant cause,” notes Peter Coish, president of Lowe RMP Direct and one of the founders of the Direct to Kosovo effort. “We would like to help the Red Cross continue to fulfill one of its mandates of reuniting children with their parents and locating family members who [are] missing.”

Two hundred DM agencies and their suppliers received letters in early May requesting financial donations and support in approaching their clients. The goal is to raise at least $25,000 by June 30 for the reunion service. At press time, the Canadian Red Cross had raised $3.4 million to help provide victims of the conflict with food, water, medicine, blankets and shelter.

The companies behind Direct to Kosovo include Lowe RMP Direct (campaign creation and Web site design), Wunderman Cato Johnson (direct mail copywriting), Mosaic Direct (direct mail package production), Argyle Rowland Worldwide (public relations), Cohn &Wells (mailing list development) and Novator Systems (Web site programming).

Donations can be made by credit card by calling 1-800-811-9874, faxing 905-890-1008, or online at or -BN