Busier business card

Miller Brewing Co. wanted to make it easy for distributors to execute its responsible-drinking programs with retailers and local community groups. So the company put a whole catalog of activities on a CD-ROM the size of a business card. Distributors meet with retailers and groups (like local police departments), run through the programs via a Mission Impossible-style game, link to Miller’s www.think-whenyoudrink.com, then leave the CD-ROM behind. The card replaces binder-and-brochure leave-behinds. Distributors like it because it shows Miller’s commitment to responsible-drinking initiatives. Charleston/Orwig, Hartland, WI, handled creative and design; Media Dynamics, Milwaukee, handled tech work.

More than 25 companies have used CD-ROM cards from Media Dynamics. The company is pitching a CD-ROM sports trading card (with video highlights) to NFL Films, and a fundraiser to the U.S. Olympic Committee (corporate sponsors would fund self-liquidating sports-specific collector cards). Cost of programming runs from $5,000 to $50,000; card production costs 60 cents to $3 apiece, depending on shape, megabyte size, and number ordered. More information: Media Dynamics at 414-475-4800 or www.thiscardrocks.com; Charleston/Orwig at 414-369-0171 or www.charlestonorwig.com.