
Ad Tech

  • The Debate Over Premium Content Is Holding Back Programmatic CTV Growth

    While agencies push for more programmatic buying options, publishers want to maintain control in TV ad buying negotiations – and particularly over their “premium” content.

  • Embracing Incrementality: Navigating Post-Privacy Measurement Challenges

    As privacy changes lead to signal loss, digital advertising is diverging from user-level data and specific measurement methods like multi-touch attribution (MTA) and media mix modeling (MMM) in favor of bigger-picture analysis of marketing performance and a multi-methodology approach. Relying solely on MTA and MMM is not enough. There’s also a third method: incrementality. This […]

  • RAG Against The Machine: Injecting First-Party Data Into AI Models For Better Results

    First-party data has long been in a marketer’s toolkit as a critical instrument to personalize the customer experience across media touch points. But it has yet to influence how most companies use generative AI technology.  However, proprietary data sets have the potential to play an important role in several key marketing applications for generative AI […]

  • ‘Incrementality’ Is The Buzzword That Stole Prog IO

    Well, that’s a wrap on Programmatic IO Las Vegas 2024! The AdExchanger editorial hopped on stage for a live recording of The Big Story to round up all the moments that made us go “a-ha” this week, including observations on commerce media, CTV and generative AI.

  • Ally Financial On Why Marketing And IT Need To Be BFFs

    If you’re a brand that wants to in-house its programmatic media buying, the best thing you can do is to make friends with the IT guys. Because without buy-in and support from the internal tech team – whose job it’ll be to handle most of the technical development of any mar tech or data warehouse deployment […]

  • Political Advertisers Promoted Polarization. Now We Need To Help Fix It

    The 2016 presidential election gave Americans a taste of the disinformation, misinformation and platform manipulation that’s coming for political media.  These strategies aren’t new, but tactics are more effective than ever. This year, platforms and advertisers are far more sophisticated and have greater reach, with streaming and data-driven media replacing old media that could not […]

  • We All Have A Role To Play In Ending MFA

    Like any addiction, buying cheap impressions on made-for-arbitrage (MFA) content is a vicious cycle that feeds itself. If our industry doesn’t stop the cycle at the source, it will continue indefinitely.  The need for a solution is growing as junk publishers tarnish the reputation of the open internet. We’ve even reached the point where The […]

  • AdExplainer: The Rise Of Sell-Side Curation

    Audience curation is a manifestation of what the online ad industry has long been calling for: closer collaboration between partners that isn’t built on unreliable third-party signals. To curate custom ad inventory, buyers have started working more closely with the sell side. Publishers have strong insights into user browsing behavior that advertisers can use for […]

  • Netflix Put Its Own Spin On The Upfronts To Pique Advertiser Interest

    In addition to taking execs through its plans to launch its own ad platform, Netflix hosted a separate event open to the press to showcase its content as part of its efforts to stand out to advertisers.

  • Measuring Muck

    Made-for-advertising (MFA) sites are roosting in reputable publishers’ subdomains. IDs are declared inconsistently. And the established third-party measurement companies are sitting on the sidelines.
