Big Fat Marketing Blog

Mets Stitch Dull Logo for New Digs

The New York Mets have mastered the knack of dashing their fans' hopes for a World Series flag with September swoons in the past two seasons, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that they've found a way to dampen opening day fever about their new ballpark. ...

NPR’s Help Wanted Sign of the Times

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

National Public Radio's "Day to Day" is being cancelled in March, a victim of a budget shortfall and NPR's need to reduce its workforce by seven percent. But rather than just moan about the fact they're losing their own jobs, the program's staff is ...

Circuit City is Toast

After failing to find a buyer, it appears Circuit City is toast. The electronics retailer

2009: Back To Basics Marketing

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

I have been saying this for a long time. Marketing today needs to be simple. As our world gets more complicated due to technology -- yes, technology allows us to never "shut down", people crave simplicity. If your advertising and marketing makes me think ...

Tooting Our Own Horn

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

Excuse me for a moment while I indulge in a bit of self promotional hyperbole. I'm please to announce that both the Big Fat Marketing Blog and the Chief Marketer Network have been nominated in min's Best of the Web Awards (in the blog B2B and ...

These Boots Were Made For Rackin’

|  by Melissa Dowling

The first winter storm last month sent me scurrying for a boot tray. I was tired of tripping over wet, muddy shoes scattered near the door. There was no time to peruse a print catalog: I wanted a cheap solution, and I wanted it that day. My Google ...

Oh My, Even Beer Sales are Down

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

As an indicator of how tight the economy is, even beer sales are down. "Brewing is traditionally seen as a defensive industry during a recession but SABMiller's numbers (down 2.3%) suggest that may not be the case this time around, especially in emerging ...

Catchy–Like the Flu

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

Sometimes marketers have images linked to their brands that are completely out of their control. And the results ain't always positive. On last night's rerun of "Lost," a representative of Oceanic Airlines informed the half dozen survivors of doomed ...