Big Fat Marketing Blog

An Unhealthy Postal Prognosis

|  by Larry Riggs

In the latest move to help forestall financial Armageddon, the U.S. Postal Service and Mailers Technical Advisory Committee have decided to poll business mailers on how they

And Suddenly, Brett Favre is a Hero Again

|  by Tim Parry

Love of hate Brett Favre, you have to admit this is a funny commercial. It's like they say: Timing is everything. And it's safe to say Sears beat the clock with this gem. ...

Twitter Battle Heats Up

|  by Tim Parry

Tons of comments on this article I wrote and posted Monday on the Multichannel Merchant site: Twitter Better for Nonsense than Business Sense. The premise: More than 40% of all tweets are considered "pointless babble." Twitter may not be all about ...

Creature Features

I've been watching cartoons since I was a kid, so it pleases me whenever I see a product using a cartoon animal as a marketing icon. But suddenly they're everywhere! Geckos, Lizards, beagles, geese, monkeys, turtles, rabbits, cheetahs, horses, teddy ...