Even with the rise of social media, email marketing is still alive and well and remains a key tool for business-to-business marketing success.
One error that many marketers make is trying to accomplish multiple goals within a single email campaign, rather than remembering that simplicity rules and having a single objective with a compelling call to action is best.
What else can you do to make your B-to-B email marketing initiatives a success? Here are seven quick tips:
1. Segment your data. You'd be surprised how many companies treat email like a mass communication marketing tool as opposed to a very segmentable, microtargeted tactic that works. Email marketers continue to struggle with the challenge of delivering highly relevant content to their target audiences, so always look for ways to stay fresh and different in your space.
2. Vary your messaging/offers. One-size creative does not fit all. Customize your creative, copy and offers to make your messages more relevant to each of your targeted segments.
3. Don't push email off to the side. Today, all marketing is integrated. Email is not a stand-alone tactic. Make sure you link your email efforts to social media properties (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and blogs).
4. Keep the mobile platform top of mind. Many people now read their email on their smartphones. Keep this in mind when creating email campaigns. Your graphics should be small and limited. Keep text short and concise. Remember:
- Use a single-column layout.
- Put your logo and call to action at the top of the email. If you offer subscribers the ability to click through on a link, make sure the page they're directed to was designed to be mobile friendly.
- Black fonts on white backgrounds work best, as they usually do.
- Keep the design clean—use white space and bullet points.
- Make sure a text version is an available option.
- Have a link at the very top of the message that allows subscribers to "view online" if their phones don't display your email correctly.
5. Copy is king. Email is about engagement. It's not about having a one-way conversation. So remember:
- Engaging subject lines will be vital; lure them in with a question, contest or promotion.
- Social media linking helps to begin the key dialog.
- Provide compelling, concise content.
- Use short, punchy action verbs for a call-to-action (e.g., "click," "call," "read" and "buy").
- Video and graphics add to the experience, but won't trump well-written content.
6. Plan ahead. Your campaigns should correspond with industry events or slower sales times to capture more sales. Make sure you map out your email marketing plan for the whole year before you launch your first campaign, and be sure to include several tests of copy, subject lines and "from" scenarios.
7. Track, test and measure. Using a combination of link tracking, post-click analytics and codes will help you to succeed. Being able to calculate your ROI is what makes email marketing and direct marketing such valuable ways to advertise.
Grant A. Johnson is the Ambassador of Fun at Johnson Direct LLC. For a free copy of his newly revised tips booklet "99 (Plus one, for good measure) Bright Measurable Marketing Ideas," contact him at [email protected].