
Chief Marketer Staff

  • Picture Perfect

    Kodak is relaunching an infomercial for the DC210 digital camera this month, after a successful test for Christmas 1997.The half-hour program will be


    DM Deals Hit $38 Billion in ’97 The combined value of strategic direct marketing transactions-including mergers, acquisitions and buyouts-reached $38

  • All Mail REVUE

    Direct mail doesn’t get Tony Awards, nor does it get caricatured and hung on the wall of Sardi’s. But it has become an integral component in making a

  • More Than Points

    There’s an old Washington, D.C. adage that an honest politician is one who, when bought, will stay bought. Were this true in the consumer arena, loyalty

  • DM DYNASTIES: Eh, Bob’s Your Father

    REPORTER CALLING Neodata Systems recently was a little confused when the company operator switched him over to Bob Wientzen. Wait a second. How was the

  • Universal Solution

    In one year, online sales for have grown from 3% to 25% of the catalog’s total business.Steve Milo, president of the Baltimore-based

  • What It Means to Mailers

    The Postal Rate Commission has admirably fulfilled the vision set out in the 1970 Postal Reorganization Act-that of providing checks and balances to discipline