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56% of Companies to Increase Email Marketing Spend in 2013, Focus on Re-Engagement

StrongMail recently surveyed more than 1,000 business leaders to feel the pulse of how marketing budgets will shift next year. Most respondents expect their overall marketing budgets to increase or remain steady in 2013, with email marketing, social media, mobile and search programs set to receive most of the increased spending. Email marketing budgets and…

Local-Commerce Profile: Q&A With Scoutmob

We’re continuing our series of profiles of local-commerce companies by shining the spotlight on Scoutmob. The purpose of these Q&A interviews is to give merchants, marketers and others in the industry a glimpse at what some companies out there are doing. These profiles are also meant to offer different perspectives on the future of the…

Infographic: ‘The Social Business Shift’

Eloqua, a demand-generation automation company, has put together an infographic detailing how social media has changed the way business is done in four industries: human resources, sales, marketing, and research and development. Social business is about enterprises shifting from shielding themselves from disruption to embracing it, according to Eloqua. This requires organizations being more transparent…

What Marketers Need to Check Before Sending Their Next Email: 5 Steps

Hitting the send button to deploy an email to millions of inboxes can be a scary thing. Beyond the worries about typos and grammar, marketers should be mindful of whether or not they’re following a clear process to ensure the message being sent reflects well on their organization. Here’s a five-step checklist to help: 1)…

Facebook Builds Stronger Bonds and Communities Than Twitter

Facebook is superior to Twitter when it comes to building strong relationships and communities online, according to a study from Emilio Ferrara, post-doctoral research fellow at Indiana University. He mined data about public profiles and came up with complex algorithms tracking users’ interactions with others. This led to a mapping of those networks. “We discovered…

Twitter Has New Keyword Targeting Options for Promoted Tweets, Bulk Import Tool, More

Marketers now have three new keyword matching options when they use Twitter’s Promoted Tweets: exact match, phrase match and keyword match. Twitter is also enabling marketers to use negative keywords so they can limit their Promoted Tweets from displaying when users search for certain terms. The company has also rolled out a bulk import tool,…

33% of U.S. Internet Users Stop Following a Brand on Social Media Because of too Many Updates

Brands with social media presences should consider whether or not they’re being too “loud” or “chatty” on those channels. According to a study from SocialVibe, 33 percent of U.S. Internet users have ended a relationship with a brand on social media because of too many updates. Meanwhile, 22 percent stopped following a brand’s social media…

Prospects Who Smile in LinkedIn Photos Are 3.8 Times More Likely to Respond to B2B Emails

Should smiles be a metric B2B marketers take into account when assessing the value of a prospect? A new study from “Customer Search Engine” Mintigo suggests that the answer is yes, since prospects who smile in their online profile photos are much more likely to respond to cold emails from B2B marketers. Mintigo’s “DNA Spotlight…