
  • Part 1 – And So It Begins

    Many companies try to coincide new product releases and/or news releases around Ad:tech New York. And each year we can almost count on something noteworthy occurring during this period. Unfortunately, several…

  • Part 2 – The Fallout

    When your publication reaches close to a million readers that is some serious leverage, and Michael Arrington leverages his power to the fullest. Techcrunch is not a traditional publication…

  • Local Search Leads to More Offline Action

    According to a white paper published by TMP Directional Marketing and comScore, U.S. Internet users who conducted online local business searches are likely to actually end up in a store in person.

  • One in Five Internet Users are Updating their Statuses on Twitter or Elsewhere

    Pew Internet & American Life Project’s recent “Twitter and Status Updating, Fall 2009” report reveals that about 19 percent of adult Internet users use Twitter or another status update service, reflecting a huge surge from previous surveys.

  • Retailers Meet Consumers in Social Realm, Holiday Spending Buzz is Down

    Online retailers are flocking to the place on the Internet where a lot of attractive consumers already are: social networks and shopping sites.

  • Twitter and Social Networks Cost UK Businesses $2.25 Billion

    Morse, an IT services and technology company based in the U.K., recently found that the use of Twitter and other social networks by employees while at work is costing businesses in the country a pretty penny to the tune of 1.38 billion, or $2.25 billion, each year in lost productivity.

  • Mobile Messenger Expands Senior Management Team with Experienced Mobile and Direct Marketing Leaders

    Edward W. McCormick Named Senior Vice President of Human Resources; Israel Niezen Named Senior Vice President of Strategic Marketing and Development

  • Get Ripped… Off

    When we look back on the history of the world of flogs and flogvertising, we probably won’t know which straw broke the camels back. The straws in this case are mainstream news articles but more so legal …

  • Original Works

    In covering the flogosphere, one thing becomes clear very fast. A lot of sites and ads look very similar. And, in mentioning the often unimaginable lack of creativity, it’s to come off as not just critical…

  • Google Gains Market Share in September, Bing Stays Steady

    Despite early indicators from StatCounter and Net Applications, Bing appears to have held steady in September, though Google conquered more market share during the month.