
  • On The Air

    The other morning I woke-up from a dream to the sound of a woman screaming. The dream took place in a mythic promotion world where every creative concept

  • Promotional Products: Down, Not Out

    What goes up occasionally has to come down, right? After eight straight years of double-digit growth, spending on promotional products sank 10.4 percent

  • Burger Queen

    Last Wednesday I had burgers and a brownie for breakfast and I’m still trying to recover. I was in Miami, at Burger King headquarters, to hear about new

  • Schmoozing at Sunset

    ACTION! That’s what’s in store for those who attend next month’s StarPower conference. This year’s Promotion Marketing Association conference promises

  • Toys in the Attic

    This year’s American International Toy Fair seemed more like a nostalgia tour than a new-product showcase: Care Bears paraded on Broadway. Strawberry

  • X Marks the Top

    A trio of campaigns touting the launch of Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox racked up five awards for two agencies in the Promotion Marketing Association’s 2002

  • Hucksters No More

    A lot of things have happened in the 15 years since we laid out the first 20-page issue of PROMO on the Smith dining room table in November 1987. The

  • Retailgating

    Like college roommates, Kraft Foods and Coca-Cola Co. always get together for the Super Bowl. This year, they invited 150 of their closest friends to

  • Nothing Doing

    Duane Hart figures that Brittany Boyce got the better end of last summer’s Be the DiGiorno Delivery Guy game. Boyce won $100,000 and a PT Cruiser for