On The Air
The other morning I woke-up from a dream to the sound of a woman screaming. The dream took place in a mythic promotion world where every creative concept
Promotional Products: Down, Not Out
What goes up occasionally has to come down, right? After eight straight years of double-digit growth, spending on promotional products sank 10.4 percent
Burger Queen
Last Wednesday I had burgers and a brownie for breakfast and I’m still trying to recover. I was in Miami, at Burger King headquarters, to hear about new
Schmoozing at Sunset
ACTION! That’s what’s in store for those who attend next month’s StarPower conference. This year’s Promotion Marketing Association conference promises
Toys in the Attic
This year’s American International Toy Fair seemed more like a nostalgia tour than a new-product showcase: Care Bears paraded on Broadway. Strawberry
X Marks the Top
A trio of campaigns touting the launch of Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox racked up five awards for two agencies in the Promotion Marketing Association’s 2002
Hucksters No More
A lot of things have happened in the 15 years since we laid out the first 20-page issue of PROMO on the Smith dining room table in November 1987. The
Like college roommates, Kraft Foods and Coca-Cola Co. always get together for the Super Bowl. This year, they invited 150 of their closest friends to
Nothing Doing
Duane Hart figures that Brittany Boyce got the better end of last summer’s Be the DiGiorno Delivery Guy game. Boyce won $100,000 and a PT Cruiser for