
  • As Search Engines Grow Smarter, Will You?

    As search gets smarter, tricks get cheaper and we get nearer to coming full circle to an original goal of Internet search: that content is, indeed, king. It cuts across the grain of some notions we’ve held in the industry for some time, that…

  • MySpace Messenger Coming Soon?

    Peter Cashmore, an entrepreneur and consultant who writes about Internet startups on his Mashable blog, recently said this: “I pointed out that when MySpace users aren’t on MySpace, they’re checking their email or chatting on…

  • Local Search to Approach $1 Billion in 2006

    In a new Borrell Associates report entitled “2006 Local Search Advertising,” Borrell projects that the local paid-search market will reach $987 million this year, which is more than double the $418 million it earned in 2005. This figure…

  • Google’s Growing Online OS

    Could Google be planning an online operating system? Despite their denials just about a year ago, recent moves and rumors seem to confirm these notions. This past week Google acquired Upstartle, a small startup that offers…

  • Bluestreak Launches BlueVision

    Providence, RI – March 15, 2006 – Bluestreak, a leading digital marketing company, today announced the launch of its BlueVision™ email diagnostic service.

  • Datran Reaches $1.1M Settlement

    After a six-month investigation by the New York State Attorney General, Eliot Spitzer, Datran Media was required to pay $1.1 million in penalties, disgorgements, and costs. The New York City-based company is a marketing…

  • DM Pimping Cartoon V23

    Persistent Screamers become comic book creations in the newest addition to the Confidential, DM Pimping. The Web Surfing Sinners get brought to animated life in this weekly cartoon for the online media masses. Click below to get flashed by the prettiest peons and ugliest underbelly of affiliate life.

  • The Shakeup

    Two weeks ago, I began “A Rebuttal in Favor of Ad Networks” with the following, “There is a shakeup coming in the education lead generation landscape, and it’s being led by one of the largest buyers of leads and one of…

  • Marketers Unite – Open up the Kimono

    The same day that Apollo Group announced its partnership with was the same day that an article in AdAge told of “a war of words” as “as search-marketing vendors went toe-to-toe with Google and…

  • Privacy for Personalization?

    At the relatively small Search and Privacy track at last week’s SES conference in New York, the Fourth Amendment was a source of major discussion. In light of the recent subpoenas being sent to the four major U.S. search…