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The Blurring of Search and Media

That Ad:Tech might have felt crowded, overlapping, and utterly confusing - reflects not on the show but the industry. Our industry used to have easily defined boundaries and companies that could fit into independent silos. Like the continents, the...

The Ownership of Traffic

The first half of A Crash Course on the Digital Marketing Vendor Landscape, the basis to last week’s two part Digital Marketing 101, focused on the different types of internet advertising and the companies that operate in them. The second half...

Mountain View Accepts Google’s Free Wi-Fi Internet Proposal

The Mountain View City Council on Tuesday night gave Google the green light to begin building a wireless network in their city, in which the search giant is based. The City Council unanimously ratified a five-year property lease required for the construction...

DM University: Arbitrage

If you’ve ever taken an economics class, in all likelihood you’ve come across the term, arbitrage. If you paid attention at all, you’d have learned that arbitrage is the practice of taking advantage of the state of imbalance between two or more market prices for a given product (e.g. currency, apples, leads/RFPs).

Lost in Translation

An extremely useful and exciting aspect of the affiliate marketing on the internet is the ability to reach diverse customers through media that is extremely relevant and localized to their interests.

DM Pimping Cartoon V6

Persistent Screamers become comic book creations in the newest addition to the Confidential, DM Pimping. The Web Surfing Sinners get brought to animated life in this weekly cartoon for the online media masses. Click below to get flashed by the prettiest peons and ugliest underbelly of affiliate life.

Leaked Gates Memo Signals Another

It was 1995 when Bill Gates wrote his famous “The Internal Tidal Wave” memo, where he called Microsoft to pay heed to the emerging importance of the Internet.

DM University: Build vs. License vs. Buy

Licensing Technology vs. ASP vs. Developing Internally When it comes to fulfilling technology needs (e.g. ad server or affiliate network software), companies in our space typically have multiple options readily available to them.

Digital Marketing 101 – Part II

Lead generation, and co-registration come together to make up the next area of digital marketing, incentive promotion.