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Yahoo! Leads By Conceding

Last week, Yahoo! admitted that Google has a stranglehold on the search engine market and that they can not do anything to change that. Essentially, they announced that they were content with being #2 in the search engine

Tips On E-Mail Copywriting

In a typical subject line for an e-mail message you have about 45 characters to make an impact, and in a BlackBerry message you only have 15 characters to work with. So, it’s obviously of huge importance to get your message across

Google News No Longer Beta

In September 2002 Google News was launched in beta mode with the hope of giving readers the ability to read not only one perspective, but many, on whatever topic of news was out there. Over three years later Google News has

Vloggers: Be Your Own Scorsese

From tiny acorns grow mighty oaks. Like weblogs (blogs) before them, video blogs (vlogs) are emerging from a tightly knit online community and entering into a more mainstream Internet fare. Our consulting team at The Internet As Beijing Sees It

In November I wrote an article and referenced a trip that’s VP of Business Development, Diana Lee, took to China. She participated in Shanghai’s inaugural ad:tech conference. It was a great trip and our

TRUE Selects Oridian Online Media Solutions to Sell Ads

TRUE, the leading scientifically based online relationship service, has selected Oridian Online Media to provide exclusive advertising representation of its popular Web site and email newsletters.

DM Pimping Cartoon V17

Persistent Screamers become comic book creations in the newest addition to the Confidential, DM Pimping. The Web Surfing Sinners get brought to animated life in this weekly cartoon for the online media masses. Click below to get flashed by the prettiest peons and ugliest underbelly of affiliate life.

The Super Bowl of Earnings

For analytical types, the last two weeks in January are like this Sunday for football fans. It’s during these times that the public companies, including those in our space, announce their fourth quarter earnings. All the guessing ends

Email – Then and Now

Six years ago, I was sitting in a hallway in a makeshift cube, trying to wrap my head around the business of Internet advertising. I joined this space the way many people do, as a media buyer. As I was “buying” on a CPC basis in a...

Buying versus Renting

iTunes changed the music landscape by allowing a user to buy a song for $.99, instead of having to buy an entire CD (record, 8 track, cassette) as in the past. A new model has emerged, but has yet to catch on. This is buying the...