Articles by

How to Create Your First Facebook Ad Campaign in 4 Steps

If your business wants to dip its toe in the Facebook ad pool for the first time ever, it’s important to get a grasp of the types of Facebook Ads (right column, paired with news, social actions) and Sponsored Stories (in the News Feed, on the right side of the home page) that are available.…

The 7 Most Important Current and Future Trends in Education Lead Generation

Lead generation in the education vertical is in a state of flux today, as schools wean themselves off of older tactics, tidy up their online activities and focus more keenly on quality over quantity. Despite the fraud, over-shared leads and reputational concerns afflicting the vertical, schools are still ramping up their spending. The “2013 EDU…

Infographic: The 3 S’s of Successful Content Marketing

Skyword, a content marketing agency, uses a simple infographic to answer an important question: What are the keys to successful content marketing? According to the company, there are just three words you need to remember when it comes to figuring out how to do content marketing well, each starting with “s”: searchable, snackable and shareable.…

Which Social Networks Should Your Business Be Using?

If marketers aren’t careful, they might be tricked into thinking that their business needs to be on every major social media platform out there. But they need discerning eyes and ears when they read articles and studies telling them about the usefulness and growing popularity of these channels. “Social media is a tool that everyone…

Inbound Marketing vs. ‘Interruption’ Marketing

In Rand Fishkin’s announcement of the retirement of SEOmoz and the unveiling Moz, he included a comparison diagram that got some attention. It contrasts “interruption” marketing (i.e., outbound marketing) and inbound marketing, and illustrates what Moz is trying to do: shift marketers from interruption to inbound marketing by equipping them with software. As cleanly as…

LinkedIn Gets More Serious About Visual Content With Enhanced Updates Feature

Visual content is all the rage these days and it seems that LinkedIn is catching the fever, too. At the beginning of this month, the social network introduced a feature enabling users to post visual content (e.g., images, videos, presentations, etc.) to their profiles. Today, LinkedIn is announcing an enhanced updates feature, which lets users…

Report: 61% of Marketers Say They Generate Leads via Social Media Marketing

Marketers may have a tough time measuring the precise digit-based return on investment of their social media marketing efforts, but they still reap a number of benefits from those campaigns. According to Social Media Examiner’s “2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report: How Marketers Are Using Social Media to Grow Their Businesses,” exposure, traffic and insight…

Content Marketing on Tumblr: 3 Tips

In case you haven’t heard, Yahoo spent $1.1 billion to buy Tumblr, which may or may not be a kiss of death for the popular blogging site, depending on whom you ask. For content marketers, Tumblr and its approximately 29.3 million unique visitors is an appealing place to showcase and share content. “It’s a virtual…

7 Tips for Creating Effective E-Commerce CTAs

E-commerce efforts typically focus on how to get more traffic and visitors at the expense of focusing on conversion rate optimization. In fact, an Adobe survey found that 53 percent of companies spend less than 5 percent of their total marketing budgets on optimization activities. An easy way to boost conversions is by improving your…