
Larry Riggs

  • Magazines Grapple With Newer Media

    Can magazines hold onto their identities as they feverishly try to adapt to the surge of the likes of iPhones, iPads, smartphones and tablets?

    And can they keep marketing themselves through the seemingly old-fashioned direct mail?

    That was part of the message that came out of the Direct Marketing Association’s Circulation Day conference at the Time Life Building in New York City Thurs. March 8.

    One thing seems for sure: magazines want to keep their brands intact, regardless of how they deliver their content.

  • The Prospects for Direct Mail: Q&A

    Chief Marketer recently spoke with Kevin Culbert, senior analyst at marketing research firm Ibisworld Inc. to get his take on the changing role of direct mail in the fact of rising postal costs and an ever evolving communications landscape.

    CM:Overall, how did direct mail fare during the economic downturn?

  • Protection Through the Web and Apps

    In this age of eroding privacy and some very public attacks on women’s intimate activities, it’s really refreshing to see a program in parts of California that enables teenagers to buy and otherwise get their hands on condoms via direct response.

  • Planning Holiday Mail Patterns in an Election Year

    Some uncertainty looms about how the Presidential election will affect direct marketers’ mailing patterns and spending.

  • Credit Card Direct Mail Rebounding: Q & A with Mintel’s Andrew Davison

    As the overall economy is apparently on an upswing credit card direct mail offers are also coming back after several years of decline. For some insight into this, Chief Marketer spoke with Andrew Davison, senior vice president, Mintel Comperemedia, which tracks credit card direct mail.

    CM: How many credit card direct mail offers were sent out last year?

    Davison: Consumers received 5 billion direct mail pieces in 2011, compared to 3.6 billion in 2010.

  • Catalogers Say USPS Cutbacks May Be Good For Mailing Industry

    Some larger catalog mailers have applauded the U.S. Postal Service’s recent proposals to lay off as many as 35,000 employees and shutter more than 220 facilities around the country.

  • Tone Deaf to the Needs of Nonprofits

    To save the USPS, one lawmaker proposed getting rid of nonprofit postage discounts

  • UPS Up to Some Very Old Tricks

    It seems like everything old is new again at United Parcel Service .

  • Email, Postal List Prices Falling: Worldata

    Overall list prices continue to fall, according to the Winter 2012 Worldata ( list price index.

  • Integrated Marketing Boosts NC Symphony Ticket Sales

    A multichannel approach of direct mail, radio, email and print has helped the Winston-Salem Symphony increase ticket sales by more than 50% and increase the number of concert series subscribers by 12%.