
  • The Shakeup

    Two weeks ago, I began “A Rebuttal in Favor of Ad Networks” with the following, “There is a shakeup coming in the education lead generation landscape, and it’s being led by one of the largest buyers of leads and one of…

  • Marketers Unite – Open up the Kimono

    The same day that Apollo Group announced its partnership with was the same day that an article in AdAge told of “a war of words” as “as search-marketing vendors went toe-to-toe with Google and…

  • Campaign Optimization

    So your pay per click campaign is up and running, now what? After your campaign has been running for a while and the data has begun to flow in, the next step in effective pay per click management is…

  • Google-Gov’t Impasse Resolved: Well, For Now

    The issue of Internet privacy rights in America has been a hot topic of late. The latest flashpoint was a showdown in San Jose, CA pitting the Department of Justice against the giant search engine Google. Essentially, the Department of…

  • As Search Engines Grow Smarter, Will You?

    As search gets smarter, tricks get cheaper and we get nearer to coming full circle to an original goal of Internet search: that content is, indeed, king. It cuts across the grain of some notions we’ve held in the industry for some time, that…

  • DM Pimping Cartoon V22

    Persistent Screamers become comic book creations in the newest addition to the Confidential, DM Pimping. The Web Surfing Sinners get brought to animated life in this weekly cartoon for the online media masses. Click below to get flashed by the prettiest peons and ugliest underbelly of affiliate life.

  • SES NYC (Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo): A Bustling Conglomeration

    Coursing through the carpeted hallways of the Hilton NYC convention center, thousands of people from every demographic were either entering or exiting the various lecture halls. This was not to say that the traffic at the booths was…

  • Increase Your Traffic For Free

    Okay, you have your website and now you want more visitors. Don’t think you’re the only one, bub, but you can learn from the experience of others.

  • Privacy for Personalization?

    At the relatively small Search and Privacy track at last week’s SES conference in New York, the Fourth Amendment was a source of major discussion. In light of the recent subpoenas being sent to the four major U.S. search…

  • Nielsen//NetRatings: Search is Fine

    Contrary to earlier reports by comScore Media Matrix, Nielsen//NetRatings indicated that search volume actually increased 39% in January compared to the prior year. ComScore’s findings indicated that search grew at just 11%…