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Week in Review

Week in Review. Headlines for the week. Get Daily headlines from our facebook fan page (digital moses)

Cult of Personality

If you were to read the "Tough Questions" article also published this week, you could get the distinct impression that the sky is falling on certain parts of performance-based advertising. It's not quite...

6.7 Billion Tweets in January 2011?

According to Pingdom, Twitter handled 1.76 billion tweets in April, which reflects a 46.7 percent rise from 1.2 billion tweets in January. "Twitter is growing like crazy," according to the company, and if it keeps things up, Twitter better hope its servers are ready.

Android Leapfrogs iPhone OS

According to The NPD Group, Google's Android mobile operating system overtook Apple's iPhone OS in the first quarter of 2010.

BFG Runs 30-City Tour for Cartoon Network

Marketing agency BFG Communications has been hired by Cartoon Network to organize its 30-city nationwide Move-It-Movement Tour. The tour extends a six-year effort to promote active and healthy living for children

Facebook, by the Numbers

In the midst of so much talk about Facebook and its ever-shifting privacy policies, it’s a bit refreshing to take a step back and take a look at the social networking giant’s statistics. According to Inside Facebook, the Web giant experienced solid growth in April after a sluggish March.

Don’t Hate the Player

Any talk of privacy and appropriate advertising leads us to ponder one of online direct marketing's greatest vehicles, our long-lost friend the flog. We wish we had insight into the current size of the...