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The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Are We Too Cynical or Just Jealous

One of our favorite publications is Business Insider. Every direct marketer should read them not for information in the customer acquisition space but for their headlines. It is almost unfair how catchy they make their titles and the open / clicks that come as...

Platform vs. Product

Speaking of our favorite publication, Business Insider, last month they published an article titled, "Google Engineer: Here's Why Google+ Is Failing, And How We Can Start 'Doing This Right.'" About a month ago was when it was becoming painfully clear...

Google Gains, Bing-Powered Search Loses in October

According to comScore, Google gained ground in the search market in October, while Bing-powered search lost ground. Also, long search queries saw a slight uptick in popularity during the...

45% of Mobile Advertisers Used Targeted Campaign Methods in Q3 2011

According to the latest Scorecard for Mobile Advertising Reach and Targeting (S.M.A.R.T.) report from Millennial Media, 45% of mobile advertisers utilized targeted-audience campaign methods in the third quarter, with about two-thirds of this group targeting local...

Neverblue Unveils Revamped Website and Logo

Victoria, BC, November 9,2011: Neverblue, a premier global lead generation company, announced today that it has launched a new website and logo to better reflect the company's current offerings and international reach. The new look encapsulates...

Traffic Engine Makes Key Executive Hires

Aliso Viejo, CA (November 8, 2011) -- Raising the bar in innovative search technology and online marketing strategies, Traffic Engine, Inc. ( announces the addition of key executives to their team along with new developments that have resulted in increased...