
  • Perseverance Pays Off, Millennium Pays Back, Loyalty Lives!

    The Bloody boycott is over, readers – you again have official permission to stay at the fabulous Broadway Millennium hotel. Didn’t know there was a boycott?

  • Pwimawy Cowers: Kraft joins Cartoon Network on election effort.

    Who’s a more qualified candidate: George W. Bush, Al Gore, or Elmer Fudd?No, the linguistically challenged character hasn’t entered the U.S. presidential

  • Fresh Dough: Hawthorne takes charge at Ocean Spray.

    Ocean Spray, Lakeville, MA, has brought in Pillsbury veteran Robert Hawthorne to turn around the troubled co-op.Hawthorne joined Ocean Spray as president-ceo

  • Aisle Racing: NASCAR, Kmart team on sales-driving premium/sweepstakes effort.

    Leave it to NASCAR. The stock-car racing association undertook its first-ever national in-store promotion this quarter, and who did it score as retail

  • Yo, Soy

    Three major food companies are jockeying to bring soy mainstream, even though other functional foods are currently faltering.In January, Kraft Foods bought

  • Detail Devils

    Quality and level of detail make a difference in cloisonne lapel pins. (Trust us. We know from cloisonne lapel pins.) These nifty items are designed by

  • Scratch This

    RealTime Media, the folks who brought us online scratch-off cards, is now offering Easy Money, a turn-key instant-win sweeps package. Marketers buy virtual

  • Traffic control

    Online promos get better mileage when they’re connected to offline traffic and sales. E-stakes, Chicago, links on-pack gamepieces to Web promos on a brand’s

  • Busier business card

    Miller Brewing Co. wanted to make it easy for distributors to execute its responsible-drinking programs with retailers and local community groups. So