Application Downloads, Enroll/Join/Subscribe and Watch Video Lead Mobile Post-Click Campaign Actions in October

Mobile advertisers’ top campaign goal was to sustain in-market presences, according to Millennial Media’s S.M.A.R.T. (Scorecard for Mobile Advertising Reach and Targeting) report for October. Also included was the finding that application download was the top post-click campaign action.

Millennial Media spotlighted the entertainment ad vertical in its October S.M.A.R.T. report. It revealed that product launch/release was the top campaign goal among entertainment advertisers, representing 50 percent of the vertical’s campaign goal mix. Sustained in-market presence followed with 15 percent of the campaign goal mix for the entertainment vertical, followed by site traffic with 12 percent, increased foot traffic with 11 percent, brand awareness with 8 percent and lead gen/registrations with 4 percent.

Studio motion picture releases accounted for 42 percent of the entertainment vertical mix in October, followed by TV (cable and network programs) with 26 percent, DVD release with 19 percent, digital goods and entertainment with 5 percent, theaters and ticketing services with 5 percent, and concerts and events with 3 percent.

Watch video accounted for 54 percent of the post-click campaign action mix for entertainment advertisers. “In October, Entertainment brands promoted their upcoming seasons of TV series by allowing viewers to preview scenes on their mobile devices and set a calendar reminder for the new season premieres of their favorite shows. Entertainment advertisers led other verticals in utilizing interactive video in their marketing campaigns,” Millennial Media noted in its report.

Mocial (mobile social media) followed with 35 percent, while m-commerce had 23 percent and enroll/join/subscribe had 20 percent of the post-click campaign action mix in October for the entertainment vertical.

Overall, sustained in-market accounted for 37 percent of advertisers’ campaign goals in October, followed by lead gen/registrations with 22 percent, product launch/release with 15 percent, brand awareness with 15 percent, increased foot traffic with 7 percent and site traffic with 4 percent.

Meanwhile, traffic to site accounted for 56 percent of the campaign destination mix, followed by application download with 29 percent and custom landing page with 15 percent.

Application download accounted for 40 percent of the post-click campaign action mix in October, according to Millennial Media. It was followed by enroll/join/subscribe with 31 percent, watch video with 25 percent, place call with 23 percent, store locator with 23 percent, view map with 22 percent and retail promotion with 20 percent.

In terms of targeting, 60 percent of campaigns used broad reach, while 40 percent used targeted audience reach. Of the second group, 66 percent used local market targeting, while 34 percent used behavioral and demographic targeting.

According to a separate report (in the form of an infographic) from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), the top mobile shopping-savvy U.S. city in 2011 was Houston, followed by New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles and Dallas/Fort Worth.
