American Airlines Pushes Mobile Site with Sweeps

American Airlines is teaming up with Nokia to run a sweepstakes to promote the airline’s new Web site,, available on mobile devices.

The sweeps can be found at where visitors can learn about the mobile-friendly Web site, which launched during the last quarter. There, people can enter the “On the Move” sweepstakes through June 16 for a chance to win a trip to Los Angeles or Nokia N95 phones, among other prizes.

The site also includes an advergame, which asks players to help one of two characters, Frank and Fran, get to the airport on time using mobile. The game includes three scenarios asking people to navigate through piles of e-mail, dodge open door meetings, avoid coworkers trying to intercept them on their way out of the door. At the end of each segment, the site offers information about different features of mobile.

“We wanted to deliver the message to consumers in fun and entertaining way,” said Nowell Upham, executive vice president for Promotional Marketing for The Marketing Arm, American Airlines’ promotion agency of record which is handling the campaign.

Players can also vie for a chance to win AAdvantage miles by accessing the mobile version of from any Web-enabled mobile device through June 16. One grand-prize winner will receive 100,000 miles and eight first-prize winners will earn 10,000 miles.

All Web site and mobile phone entrants will be pooled into a drawing for the grand prize: a trip for two to Los Angeles, including airfare, spending money and tickets to a red-carpet event at Nokia Theatre LA Live. People can earn up to three additional sweepstakes entries by sending the details to a friend. In addition, 61 first prizes of a Nokia N95 phones will also be given away.

E-mail blasts to American Airlines’ database, banner ads, outdoor ads and ads in American Way Magazine support the promotion. The Marketing Arm handles the promotion, online execution, strategy and design.

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