All Star Launches Incentive Programs for Casinos

Casinos have a new option for player loyalty programs: All Star Incentive Marketing has launched PlayerReward, a line of turnkey incentive tools including tournaments and continuity programs, premiums and events.

The line has three components. PlayerAwards includes four tournament loyalty programs (SlotReward, BingoReward, PokerReward and BlackJackReward) to drive casino traffic and play. PlayerGifts is a line of premiums casinos can offer via loyalty card programs. And PlayerEvents includes high-roller, holiday shopping and other themed events.

“Our goal is to increase casino traffic by extending players’ positive gaming experiences,” said National Sales Manager Gary Galonek in a statement. “Players earn points or vouchers through gaming that they can redeem online for awards. In some cases, players can bank points to redeem for awards of greater value. We pride ourselves on offering players memorable awards, which include hundreds of brand name merchandise choices from manufacturers like Panasonic, Bose, Nikon, Callaway, Weber and Sony.”

Sturbridge, MA-based All Star handles Foxwoods Resort Casino’s Foxwoods Wampum Rewards rewards program and store. Other incentive clients include Allied Waste, Duracell, Dunkin’ Donuts, Gillette, MGM Mirage and Honeywell.