AGING GEN-XERS: As Young as We Feel

It must be cosmic revenge for making all those cracks about aging baby boomers.

We were feeling pretty young and sprightly until we opened our mailbox recently to find an invitation to join AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons.

Don’t get us wrong. We think it’s a fine organization and know many who have benefited from its programs, such as health insurance, pharmacy services and travel planning.

But the last time we checked, we unfortunately weren’t financially stable enough to retire. And, we were 18 years’ shy of the age 50 requirement to join.

Spokesman Tom Otwell says that while AARP is “pretty scrupulous” about its list purchases, occasionally names not eligible will receive mailings. He says that the association, which has about 33 million members, only receives about three to five calls a month from consumers who – like us – were “mildly amused and curious” about why they were incorrectly invited to join.