Account Activity

Go Boating List Counsellors Inc. now manages this database of 66,000 subscribers. Go Boating magazine caters to the family sailer with a boat in the 20- to 24-foot range. Some 98% own boats, and they spend an average of 34 days a year on them. The typical household income is $84,000. Cost: $95/M Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ ZIP Contact: List Counsellors Inc., 609-259-0600

Balducci’s ALC of New York LLC has been selected to manage this file consisting of 53,328 mail order customers who made a purchase during the last 12 months. Balducci’s offers gourmet foods via its catalog and Web site. Cost: $100/M Selections: Last three-, six-, 12- and 24-month buyers, $50+, $75+, $100+ buyers, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: ALC of New York LLC, 212-381-1718

Martha by Mail This file now features product selects. The 375,000 who have bought from Martha Stewart’s catalog can be targeted by occasion or category. Cost: $105/M plus product select fee Selections: Apparel, bath, bedding/baby, books/stationery, Christmas, crafts/creating, decorating, gardening, housekeeping, organizing, wedding planning, last one-, three- six- and 12-month buyers, last-12-month requesters, last-12-month Internet buyers at postal address Contact: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Rockler Rockler Woodworking and Hardware is under new management at RMI Direct Marketing Inc. The list of 169,371 do-it-yourselfers spends an average of $76 an order for tools, plans and hardware. Cost: $95/M Selections: Last three-, six- and 13- to 24-month buyers, last-six-month requesters, dollar amount of purchase, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-798-0448

New Parent Magazine Mal Dunn Associates Inc. now manages this subscriber file of 20,000 names. New Parent is the official magazine of the International Childbirth Education Association. Readers’ median age is 27 and typically earn more than $54,000 a year. Four out of five are first-time parents. Cost: $110/M Selections: Gender, baby’s expected due date, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 914-277-5558

AutoSport Names and Addresses Inc. is offering a new select for its International AutoSport shoppers: last-30-day hotline buyers. The product mix includes electronics, knives and weekend apparel. The upscale catalog’s average unit of sale is $110. Cost: $130/M Selections: Last 30-day, three- and six-month buyers, gender, dollar amount of purchase, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: Names and Addresses Inc., 847-465-1500

ShopAtHome Mal Dunn Associates Inc. has been appointed manager of the 417,091-name ShopAtHome catalog buyers list. The typical customer is between age 45 and 54 and earns $35,000 per year. The average unit of sale is $16. Cost: $60/M Selections: Gender, dollar amount of purchase, credit card, multibuyers, catalog affinity, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 914-277-5558

Aviation Book Buyers VentureDirect Worldwide is now managing McGraw-Hill’s Aviation Book Buyers file, which names 4,200 last-24-month customers. Those listed are aviation professionals who buy books to help them in all aspects of flying, including history, navigation, licensing and FAA rules and regulations. The typical buyer is an upper-income, college-educated professional. Cost: $105/M Selections: Last-12-month buyers, flying skills, aviation education, light plane ownership, commercial aviation, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5160

ESPN The ESPN Network Direct Response Buyers list is now managed by The Lake Group. It consists of 74,295 last-12-month buyers of such on-the-air advertised merchandise as books, magazines, sporting goods and fitness equipment. The average subscriber is 37 years old and has an annual income of $40,000. All names are at home addresses. Cost: $80/M Selections: Books and publications, audiovisual equipment, insurance, real estate, household/general items, travel Contact: The Lake Group, 914-925-2400


Golden Maturity

Adrea Rubin Management Inc. now manages the Golden Maturity mail order buyers list. There are 3.2 million named here, all over 50 years old.

Cost: $55/M

Selections: One-month hotline, credit card buyers, one-month credit card buyer hotline, date of birth, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 212-983-0100


New to Mokrynski & Associates Inc., the Serengeti catalog list features 117,430 mail order buyers of gifts and apparel with wildlife motifs and designs.

Cost: $95/M

Selections: Gender, recency, dollar amount, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Mokrynski & Associates Inc., 201-488-5656

Dynamic Graphics

MSGi Philadelphia has been appointed the exclusive manager of six Dynamic Graphics magazine lists. In addition to this bimonthly trade publication’s subscriber file, the other lists include Step-by-Step Graphics magazine; Step-by-Step Graphics & Electronic Design newsletter; and Dynamic Graphics Artworks Buyers. The magazine itself, which caters to electronic design professionals, has 25,936 active subscribers.

Cost: $130/M

Selections: Canadian, expires, last one-, three- and six-month hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: MSGi Direct Philadelphia, 215-968-5020

Occupational Health

There is a new select for software buying influence on Occupational Health & Safety magazine’s subscriber list. The file identifies 108,000 professionals who are said to be concerned with employee safety and OSHA compliance.

Cost: $125/M

Selections: Last-six-month hotline, job function, number of employees, buying influence, SIC code, telephone numbers, fax numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Stevens Direct, 972-687-6714


Cancer Research The 470,798-name list from the American Institute for Cancer Research is newly managed by RMI Direct Marketing Inc.

Lighthouse The Lighthouse catalog list, which is new to Mokrynski & Associates Inc., offers the names of buyers of gift, home and safety products that appeal to a mature market. Two examples are “talking” watches and clocks with oversized numbers. Buyers’ average age is 50; average unit of sale is $75.’s list of opt-in apparel buyers is now being overseen by Walter Karl. The e-commerce site caters to women between the ages of 15 and 24. The average unit of sale ranges from $50 to $200.

Heavy Metal Blow-in/Bind-in Inserts can be blown or bound into Heavy Metal magazine, which targets subscribers interested in fantasy art and illustrated futuristic fiction. Ninety-two percent of readers are men between the ages of 18 and 34 who earn a median household income of $45,000.

Collegiate Shoppers College Student Shoppers is a Target Market Consulting program that puts inserts and samples into shopping bags ordered by college bookstores. More than 25 million bags are shipped each year to college bookstores catering to both two- and four-year colleges and universities.

Time Life PIP There are over 2 million packages a year in Millard Group Inc.’s Time Life Books package insert program. The target audience’s average age is 42; average income, $45,000. A typical sale runs $40.

Music Educators The 75,000 recipients of the Prentice Hall Music Educators card pack are unduplicated, paid direct mail buyers of Prentice Hall’s music education reference books, resource guides and instructional materials. A list of visitors to who registered their e-mail address for a chance to win up to $5,000. All e-mail addresses are opt-in.

American The list manager describes those named here as “Web-enabled mothers-to-be and new families.” There are 29,341 Internet-sourced subscribers and the monthly magazine expects to add about 10,000 new names each month. Subscribers have all agreed to receive additional offers from online marketers.

Pet Master File The Torstar pet master file names 203,928 who subscribed to the Torstar pet newsletters Dogwatch and Catwatch over the last 12 months, as well as those pet owners who read the publisher’s other health newsletters. The file’s sole source is direct mail.

Hewlett-Packard Direct marketers can reach the more than 2.8 million subscribers to Hewlett-Packard Co.’s “HP Newsgram” electronic newsletter.


Organization Master File The Accepted Clubs and Organizations master file has a total of 942,000 names. The list reaches clubs, organizations and associations across the country.

Golden Maturity Adrea Rubin Management Inc. now manages the Golden Maturity mail order buyers list. There are 3.2 million named here, all over 50 years old.

Serengeti New to Mokrynski & Associates Inc., the Serengeti catalog list features 117,430 mail order buyers of gifts and apparel with wildlife motifs and designs.

Dynamic Graphics MSGi Philadelphia has been appointed the exclusive manager of six Dynamic Graphics magazine lists. In addition to this bimonthly trade publication’s subscriber file, the other lists include Step-by-Step Graphics magazine; Step-by-Step Graphics & Electronic Design newsletter; and Dynamic Graphics Artworks Buyers. The magazine itself, which caters to electronic design professionals, has 25,936 active subscribers.


Romantic Homes Gardeners Romantic Homes’ subscriber base has been enhanced with Z24 product buyer data. As a result, the 7,800 names on the new Gardening Product Buyers From Romantic Homes list includes people who have purchased products from at least three of the leading garden product catalogs within the last 12 months. Subscribers’ average home value is $164,500 plus. Cost: $100/M Selections: Age, gender, income, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: Statlistics Inc., 203-778-8700

National Fundraising Donors Walter Karl now manages the National Fundraising Donors list. It includes the names of 480,000 who responded to a telemarketing campaign to raise money for the Nations Missing Children Organization, American Deputy Sheriffs Association, United Firefighters of America, American Veterans Network, and American Blind Children’s Association. Everyone on the list has fulfilled his or her pledges. Cost: $75/M Selections: Monthly and last-three-month hotlines, type of cause, multidonors, gender, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: Walter Karl, 914-620-0700

Railroad Modelers Bulls Eye Marketing Inc. has taken over management of the 24,408-name subscriber list for Railroad Model Craftsman magazine. The publication is dedicated to the model railroad hobby and hobbyist. The typical subscriber is male, age 55, with an annual income of $60,000. Cost: $85/M Selections: State/SCF/ZIP Contact: Bulls Eye Marketing Inc., 201-770-9000

Antiques Magazine Antiques magazine has a new list manager, American List Counsel Inc. The file identifies 66,041 active subscribers with an average household income of $238,900 and an average net worth of more than $1.1 million. Cost: $100/M Selections: Last three- and six-month hotlines, expires, gender, source, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: American List Counsel Inc., 800-252-5478

Vita-Mix The Vita-Mix master file is being managed by List Services Corp. On the market for almost 80 years, Vita-Mix offers buyers high-performance kitchen appliances in the $400 range. Buyers are upscale homeowners in their 40s who are college-educated. Cost: $100/M Selections: Quarterly buyers, quarterly inquirers, last-24-month Canadian buyers, Datamatch enhanced, gender, credit card, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: List Services Corp., 203-743-2600

Hume Group Mal Dunn Associates Inc. is the new list manager of the Hume Group buyers list. The 344,185 named are upscale, well-educated and highly motivated men and women who reportedly want to learn more about personal finance, business and marketing. Cost: $95/M Selections: Quarterly buyers, last-12-month buyers and multibuyers, gender, nth name, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 914-277-5558

Museums Boston Magazine Inserts ride along in a sealed poly-bag with Museums Boston magazine. Readers of this guide to museums in and around the city have a median household income of $105,600. Almost 95% are college educated and 70% hold professional or managerial positions. Circulation for the quarterly is 50,000. Cost: $65/M Contact: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., 914-723-3176


[email protected] This Internet-generated list of 51,811 names offers mailers the chance to reach cooks at home by e-mail or direct mail. Cost: $225/M Selections: Age, income, lifestyles, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: Walter Karl, 914-620-0700

Financial Professionals Financial Professionals from Government Computer News is a list of 38,122 who have the authority to purchase or recommend products and services for companies. All are at business addresses. Cost: $170/M Selections: State/SCF/ZIP Contact: Statlistics Inc., 203-778-8700

Outdoor Photography This 172,169-name list of active subscribers to Outdoor Photography magazine is now managed by American List Counsel Inc. Subscribers are outdoor enthusiasts who like to photograph the “great outdoors.” Over 90% travel regularly, taking six domestic trips a year on average. More than four out of five own computers and 43% shop online. Cost: $95/M Selections: Last one-, three- and six-month hotline; gender; recent expires; Canadian subscribers; renewals; gift-givers; paid; source; state/SCF/ZIP Contact: American List Counsel Inc., 800-252-5478

TravelSmith TravelSmith has awarded management of its 400,000-name last-12-month buyers list to Millard Group Inc. Buyers from the travel-related products and accessories catalog are age 45 or older, have an average household income of $90,000 and spend $145 on a typical purchase. Cost: $115/M Selections: Last three- and six-month buyers, credit card, purchase amount, gender, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Photo Trade News Worldata now offers the 12,500-name Photo Trade News subscriber file. This publication is devoted to the needs of owners and managers of retail photo or video establishments. Cost: $110/M Selections: Title, business/industry type, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Fishing and Hunting News MSGi Direct Philadelphia (formerly Media Marketplace Inc.) has been appointed manager of this list of 10,583 respondents to fishing/hunting surveys and complementary subscription cards. Nearly seven out of 10 readers own a boat. Like numbers identified themselves as active fishermen or hunters. Cost: $80/M Selections: Recency, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: MSGi Direct Philadelphia, 215-968-5020

CFO Asia MLA now handles management of the 16,707-name CFO Asia subscriber list. Cost: $300/M Selections: Country, job title Contact: MLA List Management Division, 63-2-809-7298

Golf Tips Now managed by American List Counsel Inc., the 206,176-name active subscriber list to Golf Tips magazine features readers who play an average of 84 rounds of golf each year. Subscribers’ average age is 48; average household income is $95,000. Cost: $95/M Selections: Last one-, three- and six-month hotlines; recent expires; Canadian subscribers; gender; gift-givers; paid subscribers; renewals; source; state/SCF/ZIP Contact: American List Counsel Inc., 800-252-5478

Seattle Name-Finders Lists has added a select to this 11,031-name subscriber file. Marketers can now request a last-three-month hotline. Seattle is a monthly magazine for a city the list manager describes as “where sophistication and simplicity meet.” Cost: $90/M Selections: Last-three-month hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP Contact: Name-Finders Lists Inc., 415-955-8585