A Place for Builders to Come

Zak Zakhariya is a risk-taker. He’d better be, since he’s starting a new Web business in this volatile market. But he believes his idea is so good, he’s putting up his own money and contacting potential clients personally.

Zakhariya’s company, BuilderDepot Inc., San Diego, is a business-to-business marketplace for construction manufacturers to sell products in a Web-based superstore. The site (www.builderdepot.com) lists products but keeps no actual inventory. Instead, it hooks up its ordering apparatus to manufacturers’ inventory databases.

The manufacturers will ship merchandise directly to the professional contractors, builders and remodelers who order through BuilderDepot.

Zakhariya, founder and CEO of BuilderDepot Inc., plans to offer about a million products. Manufacturers can feature as many or few items as they choose. They have the option of selling products at lower prices than they would charge going through distributors or other middlemen.

There’s no membership fee.