The television trailer for CBS’ Mafia-themed “Falcone” may not have produced a hit show, but it has produced a hit Web site.
The spot included a scene in which one character says, “Where did you get that information –”
Needless to say, people started logging on. The URL, however, doesn’t belong to the TV show – or even the Mob – but to a Pasadena, CA-based integrated marketing agency, WiseGuys. The 11-year-old shop’s self-styled capo di tutti capi Ray Kwong is hardly observing a code of silence, however. Instead, he issued a press release.
During the prime marketing weeks preceding the premiere of “Falcone,” visits to WiseGuys’ Web site shot up from around 500 to more than 2,000. Curiously, the agency claims, many of those users came from the Washington, DC metropolitan area, where U.S. crime-fighting organizations have facilities.
The release also mentions that one of WiseGuys’ specialties is database management. Useful for making clients and customers those offers they can’t refuse.