
Month: December 2008

  • Paying More, Getting Less

    Direct marketers can’t be blamed for thinking something’s out of whack when it comes to what’s flowing out of their coffers and what’s trickling in. They’re

  • Would You Trust Them?

    Will it ever stop? Great Britain may build a database of all telephone and e-mail traffic in the country, The New York Times reported in October. The

  • A DRTV Home Improvement Campaign

    System Pavers, an outdoor home remodeling company, has begun a lead-generation campaign to promote installations of decorative paving stones. The effort

  • Kodak Site’s ‘Super’ Promo Pushes Online Photo Services

    It happens to everyone eventually the occasional day when you feel powerless and incapable. The printer jams. Or your hard drive crashes. Or you lose

  • Listline

    NEW LISTS iPhone Life The 104,352 consumers on this list from Smartphone magazine, ranging from students to traveling business executives, indicated an

  • Off Target

    This year there hasn’t been a lot direct marketers could point to and call gratifying. So maybe it’s appropriate that Michael Port and Elizabeth Marshall’s

  • Thrifty Marketing for Thrifty Times: A Car rental case history

    When gas prices skyrocketed this summer, Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group along with the rest of the car-rental industry faced a tough marketing challenge:

  • Letters to the Editor

    TESTING CANADIAN WATERS It was extremely reassuring to read Larry Riggs’ article Northern Exposure (September). I assisted in launching Crest Fruit Inc.’s

  • Hey, It Coulda Been Worse!

    As you read this, you’re probably getting ready for the December holidays. But as I type, I’m preparing to sacrifice a pumpkin to the autumnal gods. That

  • E-mail for Lazy Drunks? A Rant by Ken Magill

    OK, so I’ll admit I’m not always in love with Google, given its propensity to do boneheaded things like celebrate the birthday of a 17th-century Spanish