The 10 Marketing Trends You Can Count on for 2016

Marketing trends can be hard to predict, but we all love them. Here’s a look into the future where this author lays out 10 marketing trends that will help you drive conversations and conversions.

marketing trendsAs an example, one trend is “Dream and Market in 3D.” The author talks about how virtual reality marketing will be highly important to the customer experience. It may not be mainstream at the moment, but technology will catch up and consumers will be there to try it.

Marriott recently tested VR technology at hotels in New York and London. The “virtual postcards” sent users off on trips to Rwanda and China. There was no Marriott branding, just the suggestion that if you like to travel, here are some great locations to go to and we’re there to make your trip all the more enjoyable.

Check out the 10 trends.

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