Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s have unleashed their latest kids’ meal promotion tied to 4Kids Entertainment’s popular Yu-Gi-Oh property, dangling an online sweepstakes for a chance to win Yu-Gi-Oh merchandise.
The Cool Kids Combo meals at Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s restaurants feature one of four toy premiums (a game, puzzle, 3-D viewer or mystery box) based on the fifth season of the Yu-Gi-Oh TV series.
The QSRs are extending the program online at and with wallpaper downloads and coloring pages. As part of the promotion, kids aged three to 12 can enter the Dawn of the Duel sweepstakes to win Yu-Gi-Oh merchandise. Entry forms are available on Yu-Gi-Oh-themed bags or online.
One grand-prize winner gets a Yu-Gi-Oh prize pack filled with Yu-Gi-Oh action figures and toys, home videos and a Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Duel Academy video game. Lesser prizes include Yu-Gi-Oh toys, DVDs and backpacks.
The in-store promotion, available in more than 2,800 restaurants nationwide, ends June 18 at Hardee’s and June 20 at Carl’s Jr. The sweepstakes runs through June 27. Online materials, in-store signage and P-O-P support. The CDM Co., Newport Beach, CA handles.