Your Domain, Not Facebook, Should Be the Center of Your Social Strategy

Social magnification“Off-domain social networks are an important part of an overall social strategy, but presence alone only gets us part way there,” writes Rob Tarkoff, CEO of Lithium Technologies. “Yes, we should meet our customers where they congregate. But we must have the ability to guide social customer experience in a way that helps drives business objectives.” Social customers can be willing advocates for your brand, but they won’t unless you have a social customer experience that compels the right behavior. When brands try to develop customer experiences on sites like Facebook, it becomes hard to differentiate themselves from the pack. Online communities, not Facebook pages, are customer networks that a brand owns, and the social experience given to them is up to the brand. Businesses need to do more than simply appear on social networks. They need to get insights into the needs and wants of customers to help construct predictable forecasts and innovative social customer experiences. (Forbes)