Yahoo! Partners for Sponsored Search on Mobile Internet

Yahoo! Search Marketing has signed a deal to put its sponsored search listings into the mobile directories offered by go2.

Privately-held go2 operates mobile, local search and directory Web sites for use over mobile phones. Much of the content revolves around Yellow pages business listings and movie guides.

The partnership, announced Wednesday, will extend Yahoo! Search Marketing to the mobile handset for the first time in the U.S. Yahoo! already offers sponsored search listings over cellphones in Japan and the United Kingdom and says it has conducted successful trials of the service in the U.S.

“Yahoo! is always looking into new and innovative ways to connect its search advertisers with qualified, engaged customers,” said Michael Bayle, senior director of business development for Yahoo! Search Marketing. “Consumers are using their mobile phones to search for local information everywhere they go, so delivering our listings to go2’s borad mobile user base just makes sense.”

Go2 directories are currently offered on networks from Cingular Wireless, Sprint Nextel and Verizon wireless. The company claims to have had more than 24 million unique user sessions in 2005.

A recent report from Telephia found that more than 34.6 million U.S. wireless customers accessed the Internet over their mobile phones in the second quarter of 2006. The largest portion of those — 6.5 million — used cellphones to check their Yahoo! Mail accounts.