Web Passes TV as Teen Medium of Choice

Teens and young adults now spend more time online than watching television, according to a new study released by Yahoo Inc. and Carat North America.

According to the report, in an average week, teens and young adults ages 13-24 spend 16.7 hours online (excluding e-mail); 13.6 hours watching television; 12 hours listening to the radio; 7.7 hours talking on the phone; and six hours reading non-school related books and magazines.

Last month, 2,618 individuals were polled in the study, which showed that the ability to personalize and managed the experience was the primary reason the Web was the favored medium.

“Marketers have been using the same media strategies since television became the primary medium for most market segments in the 1950s.” said Wenda Harris Millard, chief sales officer of Yahoo, in a statement. “Our industry needs to evaluate and change our communications approach to successfully reach this key target market.”