Web Marketers see Gains in Benefits from Interactive Media

Web marketers are gaining ground in such benefits as greater visibility, cost savings, new business opportunities and increased revenue from interactive media, according to a recent study released by the Direct Marketing Association.

The study found that marketers are also benefiting in time savings

“The DMA’s State of the Interactive eCommerce Marketing Industry,” Web marketers indicate the top benefits they are deriving from interactive media are: greater visibility (76 percent), cost savings (56 percent vs. 37 percent in 1999), new business opportunities (56 percent), time savings (52 percent vs. 39 percent in 1999), and increased revenue (46 percent vs. 35 percent in 1999).

The study also found that:

* Respondents across all segments used search engine positioning (66%), and e-mails to customers and site visitors (54%) as the top online promotion methods used to drive traffic to their Web sites.

* Highly rated referral partnerships, browsers, sponsorships, and affiliate programs are not widely used by Web marketers, because they fall below expectations and do not meet ROI criteria

* E-mail and search engine positioning not only drive traffic, but are also more effective as customer acquisition and retention tools.

* High rated as effective, telephone marketing, and broadcast TV and radio ads are not widely used by Web marketers due to a mediocre ROI.

* 67% of Web marketers report that they attempt to measure the effectiveness of interactive media.

The study, The DMA’s “State of the Interactive eCommerce Marketing Industry,” was conducted by the DMA in cooperation with the Association for Interactive Media and the Internet Alliance. The report is priced at $595 for DMA members and $995 for non-members and can be ordered by calling The DMA Book Distribution Center at 301-604-0187.