Wal-Mart Shoppers Get Election Coverage Tonight

Wal-Mart Stores will air live coverage of the presidential election in its 2,620 stores tonight.

The effort is part of Wal-Mart’s partnership with FOX News Channel to televise breaking news and special events via the in-store Wal-Mart Television Network. That network is run by PRN Corp. via its Premier Retail Networks division.

“We look forward to providing [Americans] with up-to-minute information, whether they are watching at home or shopping at Wal-Mart on Tuesday night,” said John Malkin, FOX VP-affiliate sales and marketing, in a statement.

“We are always looking for new ways to keep shoppers and associates informed with content that is relevant and this is a great opportunity to do that,” said PRN Corp. Chairman-CEO Charlie Nooney in a statement.