The U.S. Postal Service’s CFO and executive vice president, Richard Porras, said he plans toretire to pursue opportunities in the private sector. The announcement came suddenly and amid controversy over the USPS’ decision last year to relocate Porras and John Ward, vice president of finance, at a cost of $250,000, to shorten their commutes to work. Porras has worked for the postal service for 37 years and said that he will remain on the job until a successor has been named. He earns $151,800 annually. The postal service spent $142,311 to move Porras further from USPS headquarters, but closer to Dulles International Airport and to Potomac, MD, where the USPS operates a training academy. Ward’s 30-mile move, which cost $105,817, put him three miles from USPS headquarters, cutting his commute to five minutes.