On a particularly hot day last month, we were amused to receive a press release touting Yuletide spirits.

Art Shelter, a “socially responsible” investment firm, invited philanthropists to participate in “Internet Xmas in July.” The Fort Lauderdale, FL-based firm (www.artshelter. com) offered to donate 100% of its commissions and income from purchases at online affiliates such as Barnes & Noble, Travelocity and E-News. The only hitch was that the buyer had to request a copy of a free special report on socially conscious investing – in the process helping Art Shelter build up its 12,000-record database of museums, art dealers and collectors.

Art Shelter helps “high net worth” taxpayers acquire and donate art to nonprofits for a tax break. President Steven Brier has been involved in the art world for over 20 years; the site is his first attempt at making a business out of hooking up possible donors and nonprofits. Brier says the company purchases excess inventory from printers, galleries and artists. Because the art will be sold to – and displayed by – a nonprofit, artists allow it to be sold at considerably less than it would go for in a gallery.

The site currently features a collection of the art of Barton Benes.