Unique Open Rate for Email: 20.1% in 2012

According to the “2012 Silverpop Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study,” the overall mean unique open rate for emails is 20.1 percent, while the overall mean click-through rate (CTR) is 5.2 percent.

The report found that the mean unique open rate worldwide is 20.1 percent, while the median is 15.0 percent, the top quartile is 43.7 percent and the bottom quartile is 8.0 percent.

For the U.S., the mean unique open rate is 19.9 percent, while the median is 14.7 percent, the top quartile is 44.1 percent and the bottom quartile is 7.8 percent.

Real estate and construction is the industry that exhibited the highest median unique open rate with 19.6 percent, followed by consumer services with 17.6 percent and nonprofits with 17.1 percent, according to Silverpop.

The overall gross open rate is 44.9 percent, while the median is 23.0 percent. For the U.S., the gross open rate is 45.1 percent, while the median is 22.4 percent.

Real estate and construction is the industry with the highest median gross open rate with 37.5 percent, followed by consumer services with 29.4 percent, nonprofits with 28.3 percent and financial services with 28.3 percent.

The overall average opens per opener