U.S. Third Quarter Internet Sales Rise 4.7%

U.S. Internet purchases rose 4.7% in the third quarter from the previous three months, three times faster than total purchases, according to wire service reports.

The increase from the previous quarter brought online sales to a record $17.6 billion from July through September, the Commerce Department said on Monday. Total U.S. retail sales rose 1.4% last quarter to $916.5 billion.

Online transactions accounted for 1.9% of total retail sales last quarter, matching the second-quarter percentage as the highest since record keeping began in 1999. The increase in sales follows a 4.6% second-quarter rise.

The Commerce Dept. puts together this report from surveys of about 11,000 businesses such as mail order and online retailers, furniture stores, building materials dealers, new car dealers, groceries and department and apparel stores.