Despite the optimism brewing from the continued rollout of vaccines across the globe, consumer sentiment and behaviors continue to shift amid what appears to be a gradual road to recovery. Complicating matters further: Different consumer segments approach the return to normalcy in disparate ways. Marketers can meet consumer expectations and win business by building seamless digital experiences and positioning services for multiple customer segments, according to a column in Multichannel Merchant.
Integrated Experiences
Digital transformation has accelerated during the pandemic, and behaviors like contactless payments, online shopping for groceries and cooking at home are likely to remain popular. Dentsu research estimates that 40 percent of consumers will continue to use telehealth services. Moreover, both younger and older demographics are integrating digital experiences into their routines, widening the pool of consumers who expect seamless interactions both online and in person.
Solutions for Multiple Segments
Global vaccine rollouts are creating optimism for many, but half of Americans still lack confidence in their personal financial situations, according to a Forbes/Ispos survey. Portions of the public remain concerned about the pandemic’s health risks, and what constitutes value and feeling “safe” while COVID continues varies for different groups of people. Brands should be cognizant of different segments’ comfort levels in order to meet customers’ evolving needs and expectations.
For more on how brands can remain nimble while marketing to different groups of consumers, read on in Multichannel Merchant.