Twitter’s New Image Search Heats up Its Battle With Instagram

Twitter iconLast week Twitter unveiled its new image search function, which allows users to preview photos that appear atop search results. (Try “#dogs” and “#cats” to see examples.) The feature, which has been a long time coming, brings Twitter deeper into its battle with Instagram. For now, image results only show up for selected terms, and the use of hashtags is a determining factor in whether a user sees “Top photos” above search results or not. “Twitter is putting an emphasis on sharing rich media, not just 140-character messages,” says social media strategist Nick Cicero. “Twitter and Instagram have millions of users with camera phones in their pockets, so the playing field is level. The goal is making the most attractive platform for people to spend the most time sharing their experiences through pictures.” There’s also been word that Twitter intends to add photo filters to its mobile apps, a move that would obviously put Twitter and Instagram directly in each other’s sights. (ReadWrite)