Topps, SI for Kids Start Trading-Card Club

Bubblegum maker Topps Co. and Time, Inc.’s Sports Illustrated for Kids have joined forces to promote trading card collecting for kids.

The “Topps SI For Kids Card Club” launches this week with special Opening Day baseball card collections that feature an S.I. For Kids trading card in each pack, mixed in with Topps’ flagship trading cards of Major League Baseball players. The S.I. For Kids cards highlight features from the magazine, such as “Max Action” and “Funny Photos.” Packs sell for 99 cents, gum included.

A dedicated Web site,, carries info on new cards, sports trivia and games, and insider info on athletes. A section in SI for Kids’ monthly magazine supports the joint effort.

“Kids are a vital part of trading card collecting, and we feel this is a great way for us to appeal to a new generation of collectors,” said Topps Director of Kids Marketing Mark Sapir in a statement.